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Contact me

[vc_empty_space height=”62px”][qode_google_map custom_map_style=”true” google_maps_scroll_wheel=”false” address1=”Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 1221 København K, Denmark” map_height=”360″ pin=”155″ saturation=”-100″ lightness=”-4″ zoom=”16″]

I am a multi-industry, multi-disciplinary leader who has improved operations in a number of businesses as a manager and as a consultant

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555 67 78 564

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Call my office to set up a free 1 hour meeting to get to know me and my techniques in detail so you cna decide if you want to continue working with me

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Call my office to set up a free 1 hour meeting to get to know me and my techniques in detail so you cna decide if you want to continue working with me

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555 67 78 564

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Call my office to set up a free 1 hour meeting to get to know me and my techniques in detail so you cna decide if you want to continue working with me

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Or send me a direct message

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Anna empowers you to eliminate obstacles, gain clarity, set goals and holds you accountable

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